On the 2nd of March, 2015 a meeting had been held on the Administrative level which had been attended by the Director, the DOSA, the DOAA, the DOFA and the (wardens) of Various Halls. The agenda of the meeting was to assess the culture and the social impact of the residents of Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur. This has always been a point of discussion with phrases like “IIT culture” being used as a defence for many a not-so-liked activities. However, this is the first time there has been a meeting among the Deans and the Director regarding the matter.
Among the various points discussed in the meeting, there has been a discussion to form two committees. The first committee is to review the Electricity Charges, including Supplementary Electricity charges, to be recovered from students residing in Halls of Residence. The committee will also be looking into unnecessary reasons behind the recent high expenditure of Electricity in the Campus mainly in the Halls of Residence, the computing facilities and the Faculty Apartments. The committee consists of people representing various sections of the campus residents and is expected to submit its report on the 15th of April, 2015.
The second committee had been formed to investigate the recent trend of the student culture of the campus. The committee held a meeting with the Director and the Deans yesterday i.e. on 31st of March, after the Academic Excellence Award Ceremony where among various things they proposed to ban internet in hostels from 2 am – 6 am and also impose a total download limit of 4GB per week. This decision is in line with what is already implemented in other IITs like IIT Guwahati and IIT Delhi. With a similar objective in mind, the library hours are being extended till 2 a.m. on weekdays including Saturday.
The committee in association with the ethics committee has also proposed to impose a restriction on allowing boys to enter the Girls’ Hostels. It had been cited that members of GH(Girls’ Hostel) are already uncomfortable with boys having the freedom to enter their hostels. The new set of rules will be put into effect from 15th of April,2015 after its feasibility has been decided on. However, the “Culture” committee had said that they had already worked out the details and it is completely feasible and hence, there will be no problem in its implementation.
However harsh this might sound, this is not a decision without precedence and hence there is no obstacle to its implementation. We can expect a mail from the Director’s office to this effect any time soon.
P.S. – In case you still have a doubt, this was released on the day of April Fools and it was a very neat prank we played. We are sorry for all the tension this might have caused you but I believe you need to admit we were pretty clean in our job.
Though it is an April Fool’s Day prank, but some of the proposed actions suggested in the above article are actually the thoughts of the Director. For example, almost two years back, he once actually proposed in a meeting attended by student representatives and concerned faculty to impose a LAN ban from 2-6, to close down Food Court by 2 am. However, the Director could not go ahead that time with these proposals, thanks to opposition from then President and Chairman, Students’ Gymkhana. I don’t know if the writer of the article knew this beforehand, but if he did know, then good job VOX 🙂
We know my friend. Vox knows.
We knew 🙂