TEDxIITKanpur is back

The dimensions are expanding. There are several dots on the map of the world which are yearning to be connected. These dots are the epitome of curiosity and ambiguity that have been burgeoning in our minds. And what else could be a better way to connect the dots than to share- our ideas, our thoughts, and our knowledge! Founded in 1984, TED is a non-profit organisation devoted to spreading ideas and sharing thoughts via powerful and inspirational talks.It covers a wide range of topics from Technology, Entertainment and Design in around 100 languages across the world. The Entrepreneurship Cell, IIT Kanpur is proud to present an assortment of such wonderful stories under the banner of TEDxIITKanpur on 28th March,2015 at the Outreach Auditorium

TedX IITKanpur

The great thinkers and doers of this time are as follows:

  1. Anand Patwardhan
  • An Indian documentary film-maker known for his socio-politically oriented films.
  • Notable films include Bombay: Our City (Hamara Shahar) , In Memory of Friends, Ram ke Nam, A Narmada Diary, War and Peace  and Jai Bhim Comrade
  • Winner of National Award for five times and the Filmfare Award for three times
  • Bagged the Sheffield Docfest Inspirational Award 2013 and many more.
  1. Abhijit Avasthi
  • B.Tech from IT-BHU who ended up working in textiles to steel plants
  • Former Creative Director, Ogilvy and Mather, India
  • His gifts to modern day advertising include “Waah Sunil Babu..Badhiya Hai”, “ Kucch Meetha ho Jaaye”, Fevicol’s Bus campaign, etc
  • Over 300 international and national awards at shows like Cannes Lion, One Show.
  1. Irfan Alam
  • An internationally acclaimed entrepreneur whom President Obama complemented with the words, “You are doing a tougher job than me.”
  • Ashoka, Ford, and TED fellow, Irfan is CNBC Young Turk and CNN Young Indian Leader award winner. His name has been included in the Limca Book of records for social innovation at the bottom of the pyramid.
  • Presently, the Founder and Chairman of SammaaN Foundation, an Indian company which organizes the rickshaw pulling and manufacturing sector. He is also the founder of SammaaN Women Association, which provides education, training and employment opportunities for women.
  • Founded MATiNS Enterprise, an interactive outdoor advertising, marketing and portfolio management company.
  1. Abid Surti
  • A National Award winning author, artist, playwright and creator of famous cartoon character, Bahadur.
  • His proudest achievement is having saved more than 1.5 million litres of water.
  • A one-man army, this octogenarian believes that little drops make the mighty ocean, and has taken it upon himself to solve one of Mumbai’s most persistent problems- one leaking tap at a time.
  1. Niranjan Goswami
  • The pantomime artist Padma Shree Niranjan Goswami has been a pioneer in bringing the art of meme to India.
  • Niranjan Goswami is just not a name in today’s pantomime, he himself has become an institution today.
  • Pantomime (informally panto), is a type of musical comedy stage production, designed for family entertainment.
  • Founder of the renowned and versatile Indian Mime Theatre.
  1. Dipendra Manocha
  • Working as the Lead of Training and Tech Support with the DAISY Consortium.
  • A  member of the Executive Committee of the World Blind Union.
  • The managing trustee of the Saksham Trust and the president of the DAISY Forum of India. Leverages technology to build communications and training infrastructure that enables people with visual disabilities to work alongside other citizens in the society.
  1. Amit Deshwal
  • He graduated from IIT and he set sail on a job which could never take him on an island of peace and satisfaction.
  • He quit his job after three years and found that missing factor by teaching at an alternative learning space for children, called the Centre for Learning at Hyderabad.
  • One might make huge money but this gentleman shows us how to make life worth living!

Note: Seats are limited. Register yourself at https://in.explara.com/e/tedxiitkanpurand. For more information, visit the official website of the event.

Written by representative of E-Cell IIT Kanpur for Vox Populi.

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Vox Populi

Vox Populi is the student media body of IIT Kanpur. We aim to be the voice of the campus community and act as a bridge between faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders of IIT Kanpur.

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