
  1. Editorials and Opinion Pieces
Disclaimer : This is an opinion piece by Ashutosh Ranka, President Students’ Gymkhana ’16-17 and Samarth Bansal, Chief Editor Vox Populi ’14-15. Vox neither subscribes nor endorses any ideas presented. On November 2, IIT Kanpur turned 60. The Institute was celebrating its foundation day, and one of us was at the campus during the festivities. In […]
  1. Editorials and Opinion Pieces
  2. Gymkhana
Disclaimer: This is an opinion piece by Ms Archana Singh on the current state of electoral politics on campus. The facts and statements mentioned in this article are based on her interactions with current students and recent alumni on campus.  The 2019 Gymkhana Elections witnessed a series of electoral malpractices. The violations by candidates included mass […]
  1. Internship Experiences
Disclaimer: The views presented below are the author’s own and are not in any manner representative of the views of Vox Populi as a body or IIT Kanpur in general. —————————————————————————————————————————————– पाठ के अंत में हिंदी अनुवाद जोड़ा गया है। One night during my first month at IIT Kanpur, I remember calling my dad and […]
  1. As We Leave
Hi Everyone, अगर आप सोच रहे हो कि इसमें कुछ पढ़ाई, intern या placement जैसी चीजों के बारे में जानकारी मिलेगी, तो कृपया यहीं पढ़ना बंद कर दें। मुझे लगता है कि मैं यह सब फ़ंडे देने के लिए सही इन्सान नहीं हूँ, क्योंकि IIT कानपुर के चार सालों में यह सब चीजें कभी मेरी […]
  1. Beyond IITK
  2. Editorials and Opinion Pieces
With already so much having been commented upon the maiden speech of ‘not-an-accidental’ PM by nearly all prominent journalists and columnists of varied viewpoints and contrasting ideologies there is only little scope left for further review of the confident articulation which many have already classified as historical. So why this article? Actually, we are ‘Pakke […]

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