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Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content may be duplicated, paraphrased, or interpreted in any other way without written consent from Vox Populi. If you want to reproduce any of the content on this page, please contact our chief editors directly or […]
  1. All about IITK
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Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content may be duplicated, paraphrased, or interpreted in any other way without written consent from Vox Populi. If you want to reproduce any of the content on this page, please contact our chief editors directly or […]
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Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content may be duplicated, paraphrased, or interpreted in any other way without written consent from Vox Populi. If you want to reproduce any of the content on this page, please contact our chief editors directly or […]
  1. All about IITK
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  4. Newsletter
  5. Reports and Investigations
  6. Students
Attendance has long been a moot point of discussion amongst both Professors and Students. As the semester begins, a few FCHs manage to send shivers down one’s spine with their attendance policies. In an attempt to understand the views of Campus Junta, we at Vox Populi conducted a survey on the “Effect of Attending Classes and […]

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