Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #20: Finite Miles, Infinite Smiles
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #19: IITK: A medley of memories
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #18: An account of memories and experiences after a road less travelled by was taken
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #12: A Silent Protest, a Rebel with a Cause, and Too Many Euphemisms
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #9: The IITK Odyssey: Quest for Intellect
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #7: That Time We Almost Died
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
As We Leave #6: The Obscure Side at IITK
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
Lost In Translation: Language Barriers at IITK
**Disclaimer - These are results from an anonymous survey making the responses and their validity unverifiable. The responses may or…
शब्दों के परे: आईआईटी कानपुर में भाषा संबधी बाधाएं
**अस्वीकरण - ये एक अज्ञात सर्वेक्षण के परिणाम हैं जो प्रतिक्रियाओं और उनकी वैधता का प्रमाण नहीं है। प्रतिक्रियाएँ आईआईटी…