Administration Students The curious case of “incorrect” branch changes Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. – Murphy’s Law One of the most important and potentially life-changing decisions that can be taken by a student here at IIT Kanpur is that of changing one’s branch. However, there have been some cases in the recent past where, due to human error, students have been […] Written by Vox Populi July 29, 2016May 15, 2021
Administration All about IITK Editorials and Opinion Pieces Institute Students Branch Change: Finally we are back to being very liberal Recently, the Senate approved the branch changes for the 2013 batch students. In a batch of 820, the number of students who have received a branch change after the first year is 54 this year, a significantly higher number compared to recent years since we liberalized our branch change rules last year. Given that we […] Written by Vox Populi July 27, 2014December 26, 2020