As We Leave As We Leave #7: Memories Admist Chaos Ishir Roongta is a Y19 Electrical Engineering graduate. He was the Associate Head Teams for the SnT Council ’22 as well as the head of the Aerial Robotics Team ‘21. In his As We Leave, he reflects upon the journey that he has had throughout his four years on (and off) campus. Join him in […] Written by Vox Populi May 29, 2023May 29, 2023
All about IITK Faculty Institute Students SUB: Request for Summer Project The menace of spamming!! “Dear Prof. XYZ, I am a student of IIT Kanpur which is the most prestigious institute of the country, and one of the best in the world. I am looking for a challenging I have read your paper on “xxx xxx” and have found it deeply interesting and highly innovative. It would be a great […] Written by Vox Populi August 3, 2014December 26, 2020