Time 10:30 PM
A candle march was organised at Open Air Theatre(OAT) in solidarity.

Time 9:25 PM
Dhwanit continued,
- Scholarships like MCM, FBM will not be halted except for the case of disciplinary action.
- The proposal for an external member in the Ombuds committee will be taken to the board of governors.
- The termination of recent students is on hold. Students will be asked to reapply by 22nd January.
- DMC for all the batches will be implemented.
- If the faculty concerned is part of DPGC, then the HoD will substitute the faculty.
Dhwanit requests students to reach out to him if their concerns are not heard in the open house through any possible medium. He also requests students to cc him when sending the complaints to the Ombuds.
The executives will share a form asking for the classes missed by the students due to today’s Dharna so that required arrangements can be made.
He requests the students to ask their professors for a minute of silence when they go to class. He also discussed with the DoAA regarding this informally. Everyone is urged to join the candle march at 10 PM today at the OAT.
Time 9:15 PM
After a long wait, Dhwanit addresses the student body.Â
- A mandatory open house by each department will be conducted within 7 days, and the institute will conduct the same within 15 days to discuss the progress of 5 membered committee.
- The Standard Monitoring Committee will take action on the proposal for the betterment of the living conditions of halls within 15 days.
- Steps will be taken for the betterment of hostels and civil maintenance work by DoIP and IWD office and will be conveyed within 15 days.
- The decision about the make-up exams for students failing a course in their final year will be updated within 14 days.
- SRS in thesis grade is accepted in principle in the SPGC meeting today, however an improved form will be approved in the next meeting.
- DMC will be implemented in every department within a week, however the proper system for it will be completed by semester end. The proposal for MMC has been accepted in principle, but the formal proposal will be accepted by 24th January.
- A student nominee will be instated in the ICC.
- The Ombuds group can use DMC reports and SRS data, and the provision of automatic grievance redressal in the Ombuds has been accepted.
Time 7:50 PM
The students still wait outside the Faculty Building for their demands to be met.
Time 7:25 PM
The SPGC meeting has ended. Details about the same will be shared soon.Â

Time 7:05 PM
The chairperson of the Student Senate addresses the students sitting below the Faculty Building, and the students discuss the future of protests and the current scenario. Students discuss to compile the new demands that they have come up with today. Students still eagerly wait for the director’s written reply.
Time 6:55 PM
Dhwanit goes to meet with the director, and the director has been requested to give the consent in writing.
Time 6:50 PM
Students wait for the director’s signed letter and will stay there till the letter is received.
Time 6:45 PM
Dhwanit is currently addressing the students on the current discussions with the director.
Time 6:40 PM
The students are asked to wait for 5 minutes before getting addressed.
Time 6:30 PM
Students continue to stay on the ground floor of the Faculty Building. The director continues to be in his office while students have spread across the faculty building.
Time 6:20 PM
The students gather outside the director’s office. The staircase is filled with students. Slogans like “We want justice” resonate across the faculty building. Currently, the director is in his office and has asked only 2-3 student representatives to stay there.
Time 6:10 PM
On request for immediate action on students’ complaints, the director said he would not answer individual cases. The director also expressed that he has to go despite the students asking him to stay. The director left the gathering without officially ending it. The students follow him back to his office.
Time 6:05 PM
On the question about MCM cancellation on SSAC level 0 or an F grade, the director asked to send a proposal, and he will look into it. Students also asked about failing in their last year, leading to the revoking of their job offer; also, students demanded a make-up exam in such cases. The director said that he can not approve immediately, but he would try to get such courses in the summer term.
Time 6:00 PM
About the problem of sexual harassment on campus, the director mentioned that ICC takes up such cases. The gender cell doesn’t have any trained staff or office. The director said that he will talk about it with them. He also mentioned that he is open to having a Student representative in the ICC if possible. About the question on sexual harassment faced by students and the high power faculty possess, the director said that they will devise a mechanism to take care of this.
Time 5:55 PM
About the problem of poor grading from some professors, the director said that he would talk with the department. Students said that it is not a department-level problem. Students ask about the power difference between faculty and students. The director said they can devise a mechanism so that such things do not occur. Students reiterate whether the threats from the faculties are being addressed. The director said that the departments have been asked to conduct open houses within their departments. He also mentioned that 4 departments have already taken it up.
Time 5:50 PM
The students asked what has been done in the last 23 years since the director has been in IITK as a faculty member. Students express their distress about the limited to no response of the administration over these incidents. The director mentioned that each issue is different and we will deal with each separately. The director mentioned that they can meet again after 15 days, after the 5-member committee meets and discusses.
Time 5:45 PM
A student tells about the monthly complaints received in the gender cell by PG students, and no action can be taken because students are afraid to register formal complaints. Students continue sharing their grievances. The administrative heads continue hearing the grievances with limited response. A student asks about the result of previous cases happened in campus, to which the director responds that they are under investigation.
Time 5:40 PM
A student asked about the absence of members, particularly DoIP’s presence in HMC meetings, and many meetings have happened without DoIP. The director responded that DoIP has met with all wardens about the same. He also said that he would look into the housing conditions of the students. The director agreed on the addition of special questions in the faculty feedback form, which would be directly sent to the ombuds group on a student’s demand.
Time 5:35 PM
The director did not respond to the iterative demand for the addition of an external person to the Ombuds group. However, after multiple demands, he said he would put this point forward. On the question of poor performance by a whole batch and 30 terminations from 150 strength in the first semester of the MBA, the director said he would talk with the department and is aware of the issue. The director also agreed to make the minutes public of the 5 member committee.
Time 5:30 PM
Students also share their anecdotal experiences with professors with the director. Problems like professors’ poor conduct and degree extensions are being discussed with the director.
Time 5:25 PM
Students demanded that faculty members who are not considerate (from SRS) should not be allowed in any position of power. The director welcomed it as a good suggestion and said he would take care of it. On the need for the administration to know the students’ problems, the director replied that he has talked with departments, and they need to know the problems of students. On the question, about a professor’s presence and conduct in the termination committee of a demised student, the director said he would talk with the department heads about the same.
Time 5:20 PM
On the question of the rude treatment by the professors and office staff, the director said that they would talk with the dean’s office and sensitize them. He asked students to let him know of any such incidents. A student asked about the lack of rules for faculty. The director replied that they discuss the code of conduct with the faculty on the onboarding. However, no response was received to the demand for paper rules for faculty.
Time 5:15 PM
A student asked whether a mechanism exists for the administration to understand students’ needs. The director responded that this is one of the primary works of the 5 member committee that the institute is proposing. The current mechanism involves HoD, supervisor, and warden, which does not allow us to express our problems freely. The director responded that such a mechanism would be implemented. After multiple requests, the director agreed to have a similar open session on the committee’s progress. On the question of the excessive power of guides, the Director responded, with the point of existence of an Ombuds Group.
Time 5:10 PM
Regarding more counsellors, the director says that they have increased 4 positions. The institute feels that this needs to be done. They are discussing the mental therapy reimbursement with the insurance company. The director is now addressing students’ individual questions. On the question of external members for Ombuds, the director said the committee would decide in 15 days. On questioning about the need for 15 days for an official decision, the director responded that these are structural changes and he alone can’t make decision on them.
Time 5:05 PM
On whether a thesis supervisor will be answerable if a student’s thesis is not completed within 5 years, the director says that the DMC will be taking care of such cases. On many other demands, the director has agreed to get back to us with a structure in 15 days. On the demand of PhD exit with MTech or MSR, the director promises to come up with their work in the next senate meeting. Upon reinstatement of the terminated students, the director says that they will do whatever is best that can be done. The institute will introduce a new course on mental health in the next semester.
Time 5:00 PM
On the demand of a DG-level external officer and automatic complaints redressal, the director said that they are working on it and the students will get to know the decision within 15 days.
Time 4:55 PM
The director welcomed the demand for a faculty sensitisation program. The director said that they have constituted a 5 member committee to decrease stress among students. Many different feedback channels will be introduced at the department level, as well as the Institute level. The departments have scheduled meetings to address these channels
Time 4:50 PM
Dhwanit, President of Students’ Gymkhana, is conveying students’ demands decided upon in yesterday’s emergency senate meeting to the director. The director is responding to the demands point-wise,
Time 4:45 PM
The director has arrived at the Dharna site
Time 4:40 PM
The students are still anticipating the director’s arrival. He might be here at any moment.
Time 3:45 PM
The acting DOSA, Prof Pratik Sen and other officials are on the Dharna site. They are engaging in informal conversation with the students.
Time 3:25 PM
Dhwanit announced to the crowd that Director has agreed to come and will be here at any moment. Students were also requested to gather in larger strength. Addressal has stopped for a brief time until the director is here.
Time 3:18 PM
When a student complained his courses were automatically dropped even though he attended all the classes and wrote all the exams, DoAA replied that in such cases, a special request would be accepted by him where his grades would be counted.
Time 3:12 PM
Students demanded that professors who get negative reviews in SRS should not be a part of any committee and DoAA agreed. There was a discussion on how professors face no repercussions, but students are held accountable even for small things in SSAC.
Time 3:10 PM
All the students constantly chanted the slogan, “We want Director”
Time 3:05 PM
The DoAA claimed that he is available 24*7 and any student can approach him in his office. However, the students and especially the General Secretary, PG AnC, strongly disagreed, claiming that they are often restricted from entering the DoAA office.
Time 3:00 PM
Prof J Ramkumar, the previous SPGC chairperson, arrived at the site.
Time 2:55 PM
Discussion on various cases of student termination continues. Students also ask about the exit program for PhDs over which no progress has been made despite being passed in the last tenure.
Time 2:50 PM
Students demand a review committee for Master students’ S/X grade review. DoAA agreed for a similar mechanism for master students. Prof. Vimal Kumar, HoD Economics has also arrived at the Dharna site.
Time 2:40 PM
The DoAA replied positively to the students when asked if he supports the Dharna. He agreed to stay at the Dharna site as long as the students’ demands are not addressed.
Time 2:30 PM
Students asked about the discussion with the Director, and he has agreed to call the director here on the Dharna site.
Time 2:25 PM
While the students primarily questioning about the investigation, the questions also range from HSS acceptance, Lab capacity to degree extension also.
Time 2:20 PM
Students ask about the findings of the suicide investigation and requested for a committee, as in IIT Madras.
Students have also raised various other related concerns with Prof Shalabh, in response to which he is answering the queries.
Time: 2:15 PM
Prof Shalabh, mentioned that his first priority is the family of the student. Additionally, the student had joined 2 weeks back, so there is limited data with DOAA office. He told the students that they are his main concern, and they should speak up. His doors are open for everyone.
Students are raising questions for the DOAA sir, about the investigation of the previous three cases.
Time 2:05 PM
Prof. Shalabh, DoAA, arrives the Dharna site to address the student community.
Time 1:55 PM
The director has been given an ultimatum to visit the dharna site by 2 PM. However, he has not reached the site yet.
Time 1:45 PM
Mr. Daksh said, “The major issue is not about which committees of policy changes will come in future. Rather, the main concern is what the institute has done about it. Who is responsible for the incident that occurred during the last month?
We have SSACs for small mistakes for which students get charged; however, for major issues that lead to student demise, there is no official committee to address such cases. These concerns need to be addressed”
Time 1:35 PM
Dhwanit has commented that he will urge the director to visit the dharna site.
Time 1:30 PM
Executives urge the crowd to stay till evening for the dharna.
Time 1:15 PM
A fellow hall resident of the deceased shares their concern about the time taking process of scheduling a session with the institute counsellors.
Time 1:00 PM
The executives are re-addressing the crowd regarding the latest updates. He has requested for a 2 minute silence.
- Director has given an informal approval to the demands. However, the final formal approval is pending.
- They thanked everyone for joining the protests
- They requested the crowd for suggestions over the current issues.
Time 12:30 PM
Dhwanit Balwani, President Students’ Gymkhana is addressing the crowd, about the details of the protest. According to Dhwani:
- The SPGC meet has been scheduled at 5:30PM to discuss the issues.
- If all goes well, the protests will supposedly end by 7:30PM, followed by a candle march.
The Director and other officials have still not come to the protest site. There has been no official communication from either the Director or the other Deans about whether they will visit the protest site or not to hear student grievances.

Time 12:20PM
Post yesterday’s Senate meet, the students have gathered for the protest in the L20 ground. The protest is witnessing large support from all sections of the campus community, including Professors. Currently the logistics for the protest are being arranged.

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