Soumarup Bhattacharyya is a graduating Ph.D. student from the Department of Aerospace Engineering. In the second edition of As We…
As We Leave #1: A Reflection
Shivangi Srivastava is a graduating Y19 student from the Department of Chemical Engineering. In the first edition of As We…
Particle Accelerator
History-accelerating the particle! IIT Kanpur first got a particle accelerator in 1968. At that time, it was among one of…
Flex-E Centre: Intersecting Engineering, Research, and Entrepreneurship
Early on, at the start of the millennia, Mr Satish Kaura, an alumnus of our institute, was running a business…
Why Mosquitoes Love You(And Not Your Roommate)
Have you ever tried sleeping early, only to be woken up by an army of mosquitoes out for your blood,…
Metacognition in Decision Making
Metacognition, in simple words, is thinking about your thoughts. Sounds interesting, doesn’t it? Prof. Shikha Dixit (Professor in Psychology…
5G Network Developed at IIT Kanpur
A team of engineers and research scholars led by Prof. Rohit Budhiraja from the Electrical Engineering department of the Institute…
As We Leave #28: Lowest Benchmark
Abhishek Maddheshiya is a graduating Y17 student from the Department of Material Science and Engineering. In the final edition of…
As Ws Leave #27: Being the Best of Yourself
Pushpesh Kumar is a graduating Y18 student from the Department of Civil Engineering. In this edition of As We Leave…
As We Leave #26: As I Leave
Bhaskar Lamba is a graduating Y18 student from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. In this edition of As We Leave 2022, …