Waking up at 6 on weekdays and rushing to the sports grounds for the early morning PE101 classes, the introduction…
IITK101: Media and Cultural Council
After undergoing the rigorous preparation of a 2-year long journey, we are sure you must be tired. But fear not,…
IITK101: Science and Technology Council
By this far in our series, you do already know that AnC council exists to provide you with guidance and…
IITK101: Academics and Career Council
Though the necessity of extracurricular activities is impossible to be undermined in college life, the biggest factor governing the career…
IITK101: Academics
Academics are one of the most important aspects of a student’s life at IIT Kanpur. Here, we will try to…
IITK101: Students’ Gymkhana
KIAP (Kanpur Indo-American Program) was instrumental in building the very foundation of IITK. The institute has taken a lot from…
IITK101: Campus Life
Disclaimer: Summarizing Life at IITK is impossible. It is a different and unique experience for everyone. We wrote the following…
IITK101: Course Overview
To our dearest juniors of Y20, We hope each one of you is keeping well in these uncertain and cruel…