All about IITK Campus Corners Institute SPASE: The IITK Version Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content may be duplicated, paraphrased, or interpreted in any other way without written consent from Vox Populi. If you want to reproduce any of the content on this page, please contact our chief editors directly or […] Written by Vox Populi August 23, 2024August 27, 2024
All about IITK Campus Corners Flagship Series Institute National Aerosol Facility What is the National Aerosol Facility? The nuclear reactors run by the Department of Atomic Energy satisfy two critical needs of our nation – nuclear energy and strategic usage. The reactor safety is analyzed by doing a scenario assessment because one cannot simulate the experimental settings in a laboratory. Regardless, we must know about the […] Written by Vox Populi August 2, 2023August 2, 2023
All about IITK Campus Corners Flagship Series Institute Particle Accelerator History-accelerating the particle! IIT Kanpur first got a particle accelerator in 1968. At that time, it was among one of the first big pieces of equipment, after the IBM computer at IITK campus. The first particle accelerator was a 2 MV Van-de-graff accelerator donated by the US through the Kanpur Indo-American Program (KIAP). In 2006, […] Written by Vox Populi May 7, 2023June 18, 2023
All about IITK Campus Corners Institute Flex-E Centre: Intersecting Engineering, Research, and Entrepreneurship Early on, at the start of the millennia, Mr Satish Kaura, an alumnus of our institute, was running a business that manufactured most of the cathode ray tubes for displays in the country. However, he had the foresight to realise that the industry would need to be nimble and change and evolve in the coming […] Written by Vox Populi September 24, 2022June 1, 2023