A peaceful gathering of people not older than you or I. Singing, dancing, standing up for a cause. The exuberance…
Selection of Chief Election Officer : Was it fair?
This article raises question on the selection of Rohan Bansal as the Chief Election Officer, Student’s Gymkhana 2014-15. This is…
You shouldn’t have missed it, Mr. PM!
With already so much having been commented upon the maiden speech of ‘not-an-accidental’ PM by nearly all prominent journalists and…
India is changing. So should IITK!
For most, returning back home to India after a summer under a foreign sky is a joyous occasion to look…
Cleanliness, do we care?
It was Independence Day yesterday. While addressing the nation, the Honorable Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi said, “Let us…
What’s with the Antaragni theme this time?
अहम् भोकालम् , Superheroes, Medieval Fantasy, The Mafia – Antaragni has ceaselessly captured my imagination year after year. But despite…
Are we guilty of being provincial?
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,…
Only two in top 100
So one more year of disappointment. Out of top 100 JEE rankers, only two have joined IIT Kanpur. For someone…
Convocation: Is there a need for a new format?
We had our convocation on 18th June, 2014. This time we tried a new format. For the last few years,…
Branch Change: Finally we are back to being very liberal
Recently, the Senate approved the branch changes for the 2013 batch students. In a batch of 820, the number of…