The institute decided to initiate an Inter Disciplinary Programme (IDP) in Cognitive Sciences (CogSci) vide office order DIR/IITK/2017/OO-43 on June…
The New, Standalone Economics Dept. at IITK
In a historical and pioneering step, IIT Kanpur established the first ever Department of Economics among all the IITs, about…
Laptop Thieves Caught !
The campus community was recently shocked by the most audacious theft racket in the recent past. The sheer number of…
Nation Wide Health Insurance Coming to IITK
Ashutosh Ranka, President, Students’ Gymkhana, had presented a proposal for health insurance of IITK students earlier this year. Primarily, the…
Attendance : Needed or Not ?
With the recent surge in a change of attendance related policies in IITK, Vox Populi thought that it was an…
The Reincarnation of Women’s Cell
The Women’s Cell of IIT Kanpur was constituted in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition,…
These OARS do not row
A slowly unfolding chaotic mess of incomplete information, erratic errors and temperamental tantrums, the OARS surely creates a place for…
Senate Samachar 2016-17/1
Senate Samachar brings out its first post to highlight the agendas discussed in the 6th special meeting and the 9th…
Automation : Making lives easier at IITK
‘Heralding the 21st century through automation, Pingala promises to be a one-stop solution to all our procedural requirements.’ Pingala is…
Attendance Matters
IITK is among the few institutes of higher education where there is no mandatory attendance policy enforced in all courses.…