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  1. Editorials and Opinion Pieces
  2. Gymkhana
A team of competitive programmers from IIT Kanpur created history this year by winning the first position in Asia-West in the World Finals of the International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC) – a feat no other Indian team has ever achieved. ICPC, with over 50k students participating from 3000 universities around the world, is the world’s […]
  1. Editorials and Opinion Pieces
  2. Gymkhana
  3. Institute
  4. Students
Vedaant Sikka, President, Students’ Gymkhana, writes about the issue of campus re-opening and reaches out to the general body members to provide a clear sense of what has transpired so far and what the plan is going forward. Disclaimer:- The views presented below are the author’s own and are not in any manner representative of […]

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