Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
Breaking Boundaries: Exploring Challenges faced by SnT Teams
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
AN OPEN FIELD FOR OPEN SOURCE: In conversation with GSOC qualifiers from IIT Kanpur
Disclaimer: Vox Populi, IIT Kanpur, is the exclusive owner of the information on this website. No part of this content…
Students Protest @ L20 Ground
Time 10:30 PM A candle march was organised at Open Air Theatre(OAT) in solidarity. Time 9:25 PM Dhwanit continued, Scholarships…
Administration Responds to Students’ Senate’s Demands
On 10th January, 2024, a Y21 Mtech student in the Aerospace department lost his life owing to suicide. The student…
Yeh Hall ab 13 Na Raha
Following a major incident in Hall 13, where students were found intoxicated, the Warden-in-Charge enacted a ban on the entry…
Have We-Toed the Line?
Ashutosh Muduly, an ex-Quiz Club Coordinator and an active Media and Cultural(MnC) Council member, had applied for the post of…
Interview with ICPC Asia-West Champions from IITK
A team of competitive programmers from IIT Kanpur created history this year by winning the first position in Asia-West in…
Youth and Truth: An Afternoon with Sadhguru
“Youth are natural seekers of truth. Time to empower them with the needed clarity, commitment, and courage to find their…
In Search for a Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Message on Campus Re-Opening
Vedaant Sikka, President, Students’ Gymkhana, writes about the issue of campus re-opening and reaches out to the general body members…