
  1. Administration
The pandemic is slowly climbing the exponential curve and the future seems highly uncertain, but the institute administration has been sending out continuous emails to students, with guidelines and directives against COVID-19. Check out our conversation with the Director himself, as he enumerates the current state of preparations and how anxiety and impatience can be […]
  1. Administration
  2. All about IITK
  3. Reports and Investigations
The past few weeks have been very busy for the Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC) Convenor, all because of a serious error in the campus automation platform, Pingala, which allowed four Y17 students, despite having one fail backlog (E/F or X) in some of the IC (Institute Compulsory) first-year courses, a branch change in their preferred […]
  1. Administration
  2. Students
The Institute recently suspended 16 second-year undergraduate students for three years and 6 others for one year on charges of involvement in an incident of ragging. The IIT Kanpur Academic Senate took the decision upon recommendation from the Student Senate Advisory Committee (SSAC). Deputy Director, Dr. Manindra Agrawal was quoted by Times of India, saying […]
  1. Administration
  2. Institute
The Women’s Cell of IIT Kanpur was constituted in accordance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013 as stated on its website. The Cell’s mandate includes sensitizing the community towards gender-related issues, and in this regard organizing orientation programs for new students and employees, conducting workshops and open […]

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