On 22nd January, the first shot of the Covid vaccine was delivered to the health workers of our Institute. Of…
New Developments in IITK: Introduction of Fresh Academic Programs
None of us had expected 2020 to pan out the way it did. While the institute was busy ensuring that…
The Holi Break 2020-21
Distant is the day we got a mail announcing that our Holi break is extended for 12 days. Many of…
“If we don’t go by the rules, it will only create chaos”: Director’s Message on COVID-19
The pandemic is slowly climbing the exponential curve and the future seems highly uncertain, but the institute administration has been…
Hall of Residence I: As It Happened Yesterday
On 4th November 2019, Mr. Abhishek Aryan Sinha, a final year undergraduate student and a current resident of Hall of…
In Conversation with the Director – Part 2
Prof. Abhay Karandikar was appointed six months ago to serve as the Director of the institute. Joining at a very…
In Conversation with the Director – Part 1
Prof. Abhay Karandikar was appointed six months ago to serve as the Director of the institute. Joining at a very…
The Curious Case Of Spurious Branch Change
The past few weeks have been very busy for the Senate Undergraduate Committee (SUGC) Convenor, all because of a serious…
De-Addiction Clinic
We don’t even realize when that one puff, turns into an insatiable craving for more. Addiction can be of anything…
The Ragging Incident : Truth vs Hype
In the wake of the suspension of twenty two students for involvement in a case of ragging, the national media…