1. As We Leave

As We Leave #45: From Paycheck to Passion: Redefining True Wealth

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In this 45th edition of As We Leave 2024, Aravind, a Y21 student from the Department of Electrical Engineering shares his journey of taking bold decisions, giving up what seemed logical for what his heart wanted, and resolve to keep going and to not give up. His story, from giving up a high-paying job to prepare for GATE, to going to Purdue for further studies, tells us at every step, to follow our heart.

Disclaimer:- The views presented below are the author’s own and are not in any manner representative of the views of Vox Populi as a body or IIT Kanpur in general. This is an informal account of the author’s experiences at IIT-K.

With a wellspring of AWL articles swirling in my mind, each a vibrant tapestry woven from personal journeys, I found myself drawn to capture some threads of my own story.  As I sat down, pen poised, a tremor of nervousness ran through me.  Would I be able to sift through my private and not-so-private moments, to translate them into a compelling narrative?  A question echoed within me: who am I, and how has IITK shaped the person I’ve become?

A College Dream Deferred:

They say the grass is always greener on the other side.  For me, that greener pasture turned out to be the very college experience I’d left behind.  During my undergraduate studies, I was fixated on landing a high-paying job.  So, I chased the biggest paycheck and ended up at a top-paying company.  Yet, from day one, a yearning for college life lingered.  

My work was engaging, but the memories of carefree days on campus continued to beckon.  It became a constant tug-of-war: the allure of a bustling Bangalore career with a hefty salary on one hand, and the sentimental pull of college life on the other.

Then came the mischievous curveball of COVID. Working from home meant endless hours staring at a screen and attending calls – a far cry from the vibrancy of the office. Yet, the lockdown brought unexpected joys. Sharing meals with friends, recreating school-taught experiments in the kitchen – all these ignited a powerful nostalgia for college life.  Three months of lockdown cemented my resolve – I wouldn’t be returning to the corporate grind anytime soon. With renewed clarity about my priorities and the freedom to define my own success, I sat down to map out my future. Turning 23, with some friends already married and starting families, I reminded myself that societal expectations needn’t dictate my path. Higher education beckoned. I tendered my resignation and returned to my beautiful Thiruvananthapuram home amidst the late monsoon rains as a confident “industry dropout”.

Life wasn’t easy. Doubt gnawed at me. My friends were earning while I was back with books. Here I was, leaving a job I truly enjoyed when so many were desperately seeking employment. It was a difficult choice between two paths I valued. Preparing for the GATE exam in just 3-4 months seemed herculean. Managing my emotions and expectations was a constant struggle.  My parents, unfamiliar with engineering, could offer limited guidance but provided unwavering support – reassuring me that even if I didn’t succeed immediately, we’d find a way forward together.

“Sometimes we have to sacrifice something that is more beautiful for our eyes, for something that is more beautiful for our hearts.”

Yearning for dedicated study time, I chose to stay alone at my vacant maternal home, with occasional visits from my grandparents.  A month of intense, well-planned preparation followed. The pressure was immense, but after countless tests and interviews, a beautiful email arrived on May 12th 2021 – an acceptance from the Head of the EE department, IIT Kanpur!

Rekindling the College Spirit and Adapting to New Challenges

With my acceptance letter in hand, I embarked on reconnecting with fellow students.  LinkedIn became my bridge to Shreyas Kulkarni and Raviteja, new classmates in the MS program.  COVID’s lingering uncertainty meant classes were initially online, a source of unexpected anxiety. Doubts about my decision resurfaced as I grappled with this unfamiliar territory. The online semester proved particularly challenging.  The shift from in-person learning was jarring, and the academic system itself was a whole new landscape. Relative grading and unfamiliar evaluation methods threw me for a loop.  Thankfully, my new friends became a lifeline.  Amitabh, Parampreet, Naman, Deepak, Rangesh, and the entire gang – their online classes, study sessions 😉, and camaraderie became the key to exam success and the foundation of a strong friendship.

(class photo – online times)

Embracing the Campus Experience – A Baptism by Fire (and Ice)

The initial online semesters were a necessary adaptation, but the turning point came with the option to join campus life after the first semester.  On December 29th, 2021, I arrived at this stunning campus.

{Yes, do you remember guys, masks were a pretty much norm then}

My friend Tom Baby, also my BTech project partner, joined me to IITK on the first day.  Hailing from a region of perpetual 25-30°C temperatures, the North Indian winter was a baptism by ice.  All I had was a hoodie I stole from my dad’s collection. At the hostel shop, we were told about “Rajaai,”, but we assumed that it referred to some luxurious item based on our limited textbook Hindi.  Only at 2 am, as the temperature plummeted, did we grasp the true meaning of “Rajaai” and the requirement of a room heater! From the very next morning, we all started our winter shopping spree. I finally conquered bathing in hot water and adjusted to the reality of sweaters, gloves, and socks becoming our 24/7 companions.  Also, four months later, the tables turned dramatically.  Temperatures soared past 40°C, leaving my body as bewildered as I was – extreme cold followed by extreme heat! 

But my friends, seasoned veterans of these seasonal swings, graciously guided me.  Also, by watching movies and conversing with them in Hindi, my conversational skills blossomed alongside my resilience. It was an experience that forged deep bonds, tested my adaptability, and ultimately enriched my college life.

{SPCOM Y21 farewell batch photo; will miss all of you soo much 🥹🤍}

A Rollercoaster Ride: Embracing Challenges and Building Memories

The initial arrival on campus was a surreal experience.  Masks became our constant companions as we explored the eerily empty grounds. This initial isolation gradually faded as students returned in April, culminating in a vibrant campus life by July.  With the WHO’s declaration, COVID seemed like a distant memory for many.

Academics took a backseat as I revelled in the newfound freedom and opportunities compared to my state engineering college.  I was overwhelmed in the best way possible, actively participating in the ICS core team, Toastmasters club, Photography club, and even contributing to institute-level committees. Balancing research with these numerous involvements proved challenging, but the stress was a small price to pay for the memories I was creating. Trips to Varanasi, Nainital, Kedarkantha, Nepal, Ujjain, were all very much memorable.

{Malayalam Vaedi Dance team; ICS Core Team (PG)}

Naturally, academics suffered.  From facing potential termination to submitting and defending my thesis within a single semester from then, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions – sadness, anger, the joy of friendship, and even a touch of love.  There were moments when the line between sanity and insanity felt precariously thin.  But I held onto a vision of a brighter future, a guiding light that propelled me forward.

 {Holi celebrations}

{MV Farewell dance team}

{The music team}

{As Maveli, the mascot of Onam}

{At Kanpur Zoo}

{When I wore the turban}

 My Room – B216, Hall X

A memorable photo I clicked, which got featured as cover photo of the Spark magazine, December 2023

These 2.5 years at IITK will remain unforgettable and deeply etched in me.  The campus instilled in me the power of dreams, a value I hold close to my heart. While attempting to list every beautiful soul who supported me here would risk missing someone important, omitting names entirely wouldn’t do justice to the profound impact you’ve all had. To my Hall X gang – Aswin, Akshay, Anish, Tom Baby and Johny, KD, Vaishnav (g), Jayanth, Akash, Animesh, Sanket, Parth; Hall XI and chaya gang – Geo, Vishnu, Gishnu, Manu, Anjali, Elza, Murshid, Athul, Rashiku, Jayasankar, Dipil, Sarath; MV song and dance group – Jithin, Abin, Abhiram, Sandra, Jacob, Rakesh, Shamil, Kushal, Manohar; UG – Gopika Sivani, Sabari S, Shreyash N; SPCOM gang – Amitabh, Shreyas, Shubham, Parampreet, and whole of og trusted group; ICS – Shubham, Maneesh, Mujahid, and Y21,Y22 team members; Academic gang – Rijin, Vineeth; my MOWING lab members at IITK; and the editors, Vox Populi who’ll be helping me edit and publish this article; for all, I owe my deepest gratitude for all of your unwavering support throughout this incredible journey.

Looking back, leaving the comfort of a high-paying job to pursue higher education was a leap of faith. While it wasn’t without its hurdles, the rewards have been immeasurable. I encourage others to question the status quo and explore paths that align with their passions. Life is too short to settle for a paycheck when there’s a world of possibilities waiting to be discovered. IITK has been more than just an institution; it has been a catalyst for personal growth, a platform for exploration, and a source of lifelong friendships. The journey continues, but the foundation laid at IITK will forever be a part of me.

“Embrace the uncertainty, for it is the canvas on which dreams are painted. The true wealth lies not in the paycheck but in the passion and purpose that drive you forward.”

Till next time, we meet, {Phir milenge chalte chalte, Kabhi alvida na kehna}.
And, As We Leave: What more can I ask?

incoming PhD student,
Purdue University
Instagram: @aravindey
Linkedin: aravindvenma
Keep in touch!


Written by : M. Aravind
Edited by: Chaitanya Nitawe, Sruthi Subramanian
Designed by: Sanyam Shivhare