As We Leave #14: Beyond Grades: My Life at IITK

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In the 14th edition of As We Leave 2024, Niharika Khatri, a graduating Y20 student from the department of Electrical Engineering, writes about her rollercoaster ride of a journey at IITK. It is truly inspirational to read about how she navigated through her highs and lows at college. Read on to find out more!

Disclaimer:- The views presented below are the author’s own and are not in any manner representative of the views of Vox Populi as a body or IIT Kanpur in general. This is an informal account of the author’s experiences at IIT-K.

As I sit down to finally pen down my thoughts, the weight of nostalgia settles upon me like a heavy blanket. Writing this AWL instils in me a deep sense of sadness, reminding me that this beautiful journey is coming to an end. It’s the end of an era, the end of my student life. I won’t sugarcoat it – my college experience wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows. There were highs and lows, moments of pure joy intermingled with times of despair. But through it all, these bittersweet memories have shaped me into who I am today.

Chapter 1: The beginning

I spent my 2 years of JEE prep with the only hope given to me by all my teachers and parents: “bas JEE nikal lo fir to life chill h”. With dreams of college glory dancing in my head, I eagerly awaited the start of this new chapter. Oh, the adventures I imagined, the friends I’d make, the memories I’d create! But alas, fate had other plans. Enter the dreaded Y20 batch, a.k.a the “COVID Batch.” Yep, you heard that right. Our grand entrance to college life? Online. Zoom meetings and Discord bulla sessions became our new reality. Seniors also came to our rescue with stories from their college experiences (scary MTH101 and some (in)famous profs). Amidst the chaos of endless assignments and quizzes, I found some friends who made this ride a tad more bearable. Despite the distance, we tried to remain connected, celebrating birthdays on video calls. We participated in various competitions organised for freshers as a team and had late-night meetings filled with dedication, hard work, laughter and good vibes.

Chapter 2: From Pixels to Reality

The day we finally arrived when, we received the long-awaited email inviting us back to campus during our third semester. Stepping onto the campus felt like stepping into a whole new world. Finally, meeting my online buddies in the flesh felt like a reunion of long-lost pals. With classes still conducted online, we had ample time to explore every nook and corner of the campus.

As the offline classes kicked off in the fourth semester, I found myself struggling with some personal stuff. Even surrounded by people, I felt alone and unsure of myself. It was tough. But through it all, I learned something important – true friendship. Those special friends who stuck with me through everything were like shining lights in the dark. They showed me I wasn’t alone, even when things got rough.

Chapter 3: Carpe Diem

“Greatest regrets stem not from failure, but from missed opportunities.”

Thinking back on my college life, I am truly amazed by all the crazy twists and turns that got me to where I am now. One such pivotal moment came in the form of UberSHE++, a program I almost didn’t apply for, as I wasn’t sure if I would be selected or not, feeling uncertain about my preparation and doubting whether I could compete against others who I thought might be better than me. Thanks to the encouragement of friends, I took a leap of faith, which finally resulted in getting an internship and eventually PPO without going through the hassles of a campus placement drive.


Similarly, my tenure as a CTM was a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. From the very first meeting with my SG and an online orientation, I wanted to be a part of the counselling service and was deeply disheartened when I was not selected as an SG, but my wish to join CS did not die. I applied for CTM with little hope when the forms were released. I was extremely happy when I was selected. During my tenure, from organising events to lending a listening ear, I learned the invaluable lessons of empathy and humility. Organising Orientation for freshers and Hakuna Matata on Diwali gave me a sense of fulfilment as they created a home-like atmosphere for the campus community. 

I laughed, cried and fought with my team during our meetings, but I made some lifelong friends and learned that differences and imperfections sometimes make life interesting. 

Chapter 4: Finale

If I could rewind the clock, I would relive my final semester on campus for the entire four years! Emotional Farewells and dancing with friends and wingies in Dance Extravaganza, those epic night outs on the terrace (dodging the sis guards xD) and the thrill of playing Never Have I Ever and Mafia until the crack of dawn. I can’t even describe the feelings in words.

As I bid adieu to campus life, I couldn’t shake the feeling that no matter how much I packed, a piece of me would always remain behind. College may have ended, but what about the experiences? They’re forever etched in my heart. Time sure does fly – one moment, you’re starting out, and the next, you’re saying goodbye to friends who made your college years unforgettable.

So, make the most out of every moment! Take breaks between your monotonous lives for impromptu nightouts and gossip sessions with your crew. Because when you look back, it’s not the grades or the courses that stick – it’s the laughter, the friendships, and the inside jokes shared with your homies that truly define your college experience. Now’s the time to embrace the chaos, make mistakes, and chart your own path. Don’t worry about fitting into someone else’s idea of “cool” – be unapologetically yourself. There’s no one-size-fits-all way to navigate life, so learn from others, but trust your instincts and stay confident. 

If you’ve made it to the end, kudos to you! You can always reach out if you want to talk or need advice.

Written by: Niharika Khatri

Edited by: Ashutosh Sharma, Anika Gupta

Design by: Sanyam Shivare

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Vox Populi is the student media body of IIT Kanpur. We aim to be the voice of the campus community and act as a bridge between faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders of IIT Kanpur.

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