Freshers’ Bucket List

Maintaining and completing a Bucket List during your college life means loads of fun!. The bucket list includes all the stuff you are going to do with a bucket head (read: free mind, I do not want you to believe what Chetan Bhagat claims in Five Point Someone) before you graduate. Here are some tasks to start you off with. In the course, you will invent some of your own, feel free to share them with us.

Here you go:

1. Do not miss the Treasure Hunt organised by the ELS, HSS and QC (Quiz Club). Form an active team and be game for a night out. Next morning, make sure to have chai, jalebis and pakodas at MT before dozing off.

2. Attend the Quad Sessions. Yes, you may be quite afraid of them but they are worth giving a try. Down the years you’ll laugh out loud at the dares thrown at you during the Quads!

3.Never miss others’ GPLs, because your sympathy won’t greet you when it’s your turn!

4. Perform on stage in front of the IITK junta at least once in four years. If you never find your niche (highly unlikely) there is Orientation and Karaoke Night for you 😉

5. Ask a random guy/girl out for a cup of coffee in CCD during Antaragni. Be a sport, show your social skills!

6. For your cycle to graduate along with you, here are some requirements:

  • Trip around the campus, especially the Airstrip!
  • Trip to Bithoor.
  • Giving Dubs! Has someone tried Trips?
  • Confiscation of your cycle by SIS Guard, the fear of auction and finally the rescue mission of the cycle and the scolding from the SIS Boss.

7. This one is for the Men! Shave off your head once while in the campus. Personal experience: the head feels lighter.

DISCLAIMER: No one should blame Vox 😐 if the hair refuses to grow back.

8. Your social life will remain incomplete without:

  • Night Out Bulla in Wing, maybe over the SAC rooftop .
  • Wing Trips.
  • Football and Cricket on a rainy day.
  • Diwali and New Year Bonfire.
  • Horror movie, anyone? The Conjuring is a good choice… *evil smile*
  • Impulsive trips to Z-Square and Bithoor.

9. Break away from the conventions, spend a day:

  • in the library, only for the AC and WiFi.
  • at the oxidation pond, playing with ducks and admiring beauty
  • at the CSE building for the lovely fountain

10. Try out each and every food joint in the campus. Yes, it may seem odd to be a loner when you go to GH mess but you can pool up with like minds.

Tip: Hall 4 canteen is the benchmark.

11. You won’t attain salvation until and unless you learn

  • a musical instrument
  • a new Sport

during your stay here.

P.S: Guitar is too mainstream and chess is supposedly everyone’s abhiruchi. Try something different.

12. Learn a new language. May sound easy but requires loads of commitment. You can try your hands at French, German, Japanese and Spanish.

13. The legend whispers about the forbidden cauldron. Unnoticed, many ascend it, but mark my words, unnoticed, lest the curse falls upon you.

P.S. Guess the 13th and get a treat in CCD! Mail to

Written by Bhanu Pratap Singh Tanwar and Saarthak Jajoria

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Vox Populi

Vox Populi is the student media body of IIT Kanpur. We aim to be the voice of the campus community and act as a bridge between faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders of IIT Kanpur.

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